
Academia Navală "Mircea cel Bătrân"

International Scientific Conference SEA-CONF



The 11th International Scientific Conference

May 15-17, 2025 - Constantza, Romania

The objectives of the International Scientific Conference SEA-CONF are to bring together stakeholders from marine industry, research and education, and to provide an networking opportunity for academics, professionals, and public authorities active in this domain.

The International Scientific Conference SEA-CONF is a place to share and debate research ideas on the topics of the conference, and the perfect venue to publish your research results in journals. Each paper presented in SeaConf will be considered for publication in journals below according to the decision of the Editor in Chief, based on the paper's reviews.

SBNA - Scientific Bulletin of Naval Academy
indexed by ProQuest, EbscoHost, ROAD, OAJI, JIFactor etc